This is a Catholic, family, fraternal service organization. However, it is not an organization of the church. The Fr. Francis Friend Council #8295 serves the people of Anderson County. The council provides a variety of opportunities for fraternal and family-centered activities.
Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/KC8295
Contact us at Kc8295council@gmail.com

The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) is a branch of the worldwide Franciscan Family. Some of us are single, some married, most are lay and a few of us are ordained. We work, worship, and play in the communities where we live. We are a true religious order and follow the Rule of the OFS.
We gather on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the St Mary of the Angels Parish Hall, located at 1821 White St, Anderson, SC 29624.

The Men’s Club was organized as a fellowship for the men in the parish. All men in the church are members and we have no dues or bylaws.
Anyone interested in learning more about this ministry should contact the parish office at 864-226-8621 or by e-mail.

The Women Council is a ministry of service (stewardship) to the parish and community. It is an extension of the Pastor and Parish Family to individual parishioners, families, children and the larger community.
Anyone interested in learning more about this ministry should contact the parish office at 864-226-8621 or by e-mail.
Our community programs at St Mary of the Angles Catholic Church are designed to provide assistance to those in need. The Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen provides warm meals to those who are hungry, while Clean Start offers hygiene kits and toiletries to those who need them. We also have a Food Pantry that distributes food to individuals and families in need. Our Respect for Life program is dedicated to promoting the value and dignity of all human life. We are committed to serving our community and welcome anyone who wants to join us in making a positive impact.